New Project announcement: Securing the Future

Translocation of Corunna Daisy (jenny Guerin)

On International Day for Biological Diversity, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our “Securing the Future” project. This project was made possible through the Australian Government Saving Native Species grants, as part of a broader effort to protect and restore Australia’s unique and threatened native flora.

Under these grants the Australian Government committed $24 million to safeguard 73 threatened native species through 61 initiatives, including our “Securing the Future” project. this work will focus on plant conservation activities for ten priority plant species across South Australia, Victoria, and Western Australia. This comprehensive program encompasses seed collecting, germination trials, propagation, reintroductions, research, and long-term seed banking.

By improving the representation and genetic diversity of our collections, we aim to make seeds and data available for research and restoration efforts nationwide. Additionally, our project will help raise public awareness about the crucial actions needed to conserve these priority plant species.

South Australia:

  • Arckaringa Daisy (Olearia arckaringensis): Seed collection and habitat survey.
  • Woods Well Spyridium (Spyridium fontis-woodii): Comprehensive project including seed collection, habitat improvement, and translocation in collaboration with First Nation and community rangers


  • Forked Spyridium (Spyridium furculentum): Genetic research to assess diversity in seed collections.
  • Stiff Groundsel (Senecio behrianus): Seed collection and germination trials.

Western Australia:

  • Foote’s Grevillea (Grevillea calliantha): Seed collection, germination, translocation, and soil seedbank research.
  • Tangled Wattle (Acacia volubilis): Collection, propagation, genetic research, tissue culture, and cryopreservation.
  • Giant Andersonia (Andersonia axilliflora): Seed collection and seedling imagery.
  • Narrow-leaved Eremophila (Eremophila subangustifolia): Seed collection, germination, seedling imagery, and translocation.
  • Small-flowered Snottygobble (Persoonia micranthera): Seed collection and seedling imagery.
  • Wongan Eriostemon (Philotheca wonganensis): Seed collection, germination, and seedling imagery.

Together, we are committed to securing a future for Australia’s precious native flora. For more information on our project and other initiatives, please visit our website.

For further details on the Government’s announcement, you can read the full media release here.