Abstract submission
Submit your abstract
We invite you to submit an abstract for the 2025 Australasian Seed Science Conference by 21 March 2025
Should you experience any difficulties please contact [email protected]
Conference themes
The theme for this year’s conference is “Seeding Connection: Bridging knowledge, policy and practice across Agriculture and Conservation”.
Our conference will centre around four themes that have been designed to capture the international, national and regional knowledge across seed science research, policy, management practice, and use of genetic resources that encapsulate the impacts of climate change, technological advancements, legal frameworks, and partnerships for agricultural and environmental sustainability. These themes are:
- Seed biology and ecology
Exploring research, including the use of technologies, that provide insights into genetic diversity, seed storage behaviour, germination strategies and biological function of genetic resources to better understand seed ecology, seed microbiome, ‘difficult to germinate’ species, plant population dynamics and adaptation to advance agricultural productivity, restoration and conservation sectors. - Seed and gene bank management
Exploring how innovations, genomic and digital technologies, and data systems, methods and practices are being used to bank orthodox and non-orthodox taxa, improve seed quality and longevity, understand genetic diversity, and increase the utility of international, national and community gene banks for biodiversity conservation, agricultural crop improvement, and forestry applications. - Seed sourcing and end use
Exploring what factors affect seed sourcing and supply, and how advances in technologies and targeted strategies can maximise genetic diversity and guide applications in biodiversity conservation, restoration and grain crop production. - Seeds in culture and society
Exploring Indigenous perspectives, initiatives and enterprises; collaboration through partnerships; and protocols, legal frameworks and policies related to the conservation, restoration, collection, distribution and use of native biodiversity for food, agriculture, forestry and other sectors.
Submission Guidance
Submission Portal
Create a profile to submit your abstract in the Arinex One Submission Portal. Guidance for using the portal is available here.
Should you require assistance contact [email protected].
General Policies and Requirements
- The presenting author will be required to register for the Conference to ensure their submission(s) is included in the final program. The deadline for presenting author registration is Monday, 21 July 2025
- All submissions must be completed electronically via the online submission facility. If you are unable to submit in this manner, please contact the Conference Managers at [email protected] for further information.
- All abstracts must be prepared according to the guidelines provided below. Submissions will only be accepted if submitted within the format and layout guidelines.
- There is no limit to the number of abstracts that may be submitted by an individual. However, splitting of a body of work into multiple abstracts is discouraged and consolidation into one abstract is preferred. In addition, a maximum of one oral presentation may be allocated to an accepted author.
- Authors are required to acknowledge that by submitting an abstract, permission is automatically given for the abstract (if accepted) to be made available on the website and via the app, and possibly published more broadly.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Please carefully read the following guidelines to ensure that you have submitted your abstract correctly:
- Abstracts must not exceed a 300-word limit. The word limit relates only to the text of the abstract and does not include title, authors and institutions.
- Use single line spacing.
- No tables, figures or images are allowed.
- Abstract(s) must be free of typographical and grammatical errors.
- Standard abbreviations may be used for common terms only. Otherwise, any abbreviation should be given in brackets after the first full use of the word. Abbreviations may be used in the title, provided the name in full is outlined in the body of the abstract.
- Please include degrees or professional titles (e.g. Dr, Prof., etc).
- You will be required to provide the names, affiliations and emails of all co-authors of the abstract.
- Presenters must disclose any potential conflict of interest.
- You will be asked to provide a short biography (up to 150 words) with your submission.
- You will be asked to nominate your preference for oral or poster presentation.
- It is the author’s responsibility to ensure the title, author and affiliation details entered in the paper submission site are correct and exactly as they should be published on the abstract and all Conference materials.
- The abstract should be a summary of the whole paper, briefly outlining the key features, results, and conclusions of the work together with their significance.
- Authors are requested to indicate the conference theme that their abstract relates to.
- Authors are entered separately within the abstract submission portal and will format automatically to the required standard. NOTE: The order of the authors entered in the portal will be reflected in final publications.
Submission types
The ASSC Committees welcome abstract submissions for the following presentation types from individuals, groups and organisations, including but not limited to pre-breeding researchers, plant breeders, seed scientists, commercial and community seed/gene bank managers, native plant nursery operators, seed orchard managers, food and fibre producers, restoration practitioners, industry stakeholders and community leaders.
All presentation types are equally valued contributions and different presentation formats may be best suited to different kinds of content. Delegates are encouraged to select the presentation format that best suits the material to be presented. An opportunity for questions will be provided at the end of each theme session for both presentations and posters. The Program Committee reserve the right to offer a different format if required for the program.
Oral presentations
The Program Committee will assess each submitted abstract and offer successful applicants and opportunity to present a 20, 10 or 5 minute talk during plenary. During submission, applicants will nominate their preference for talk length and most relevant conference theme.
Posters will be displayed over the course of the conference, providing opportunities to showcase work and engage in discussions with attendees during dedicated question times. During submission, applicants will nominate the most relevant conference theme.
Notification of Submission Outcome
Notifications of acceptance will be sent via email to the submitting author. Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings. The conference will not be held responsible for abstract submissions not received via the website or for submission errors caused by internet service outages, hardware or software delays, power outages or unforeseen events.
All presenting authors must register and pay to attend the Conference by Monday, 21 July 2025. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure the title, author and affiliation details entered in the paper submission site are correct and exactly as they should be published on the abstract.

Key Dates
Abstract submissions open
10 Sep 2024
Registrations open
Mar 2025
Abstract submissions close
21 Mar 2025
Contact Us
Registration enquiries
[email protected]
Program & general enquiries
[email protected]
Conference organisers
Arinex Pty Ltd
ABN 28 000 386 676
454 Collins St,
Melbourne, VIC 3000
+61 (03) 8888 9500
Australian Grains Genebank
Australian Seed Bank Partnership
Conference Supporters
The Council of Heads of Australian Botanic Gardens